Friday, January 30, 2009


A cartoonist is a person who specializes in drawing cartoons. Traditionally much of this work was, and still is, humorous, and is intended primarily for entertainment purposes. Many traditional print cartoons are of the single-panel variety, and are published in print media of various kinds, for example, in magazines such as the New Yorker and Punch.
The term cartoonist is also applied to those who create more serious editorial or political cartoons, as well as those who create comic strips, comic books and graphic novels. The word is sometimes used for those who create animated cartoons including manga, although a person who designs the visual part of animated cartoons is perhaps more commonly referred to as an animator.
A cartoonist traditionally sketches his work out roughly in pencil first, before going over the sketches in black ink, using either a brush or a metal nibbed pen. Cartoonists whose work is intended for online publication increasingly work in digital media. Cartooning in the sense of animation is used in animated feature films, some television shows. It is also sometimes used in regular movies for special sequences such as dreams or fantasy scenes, or for the title sequence.
CartoonStock is a searchable database of over 150,000 gag cartoons, political cartoons, cartoon pictures, illustrations and animations by over 400 of the world's best cartoonists. Their work appears in leading newspapers and magazines including Reader's Digest, The New Yorker, Maxim, Punch, Private Eye, The Spectator, The Times, The Guardian and many others.

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