Saturday, January 31, 2009

Home Based Child Day Care Service

Because more parents must work outside the home, there will always be a demand for child care. But with the concerns about quality child care, more people are moving away from the large day care schools, and turning to friends, neighbors, people they know from school functions and PTA meetings, and finding child care providers by word of mouth. This creates a huge opportunity for someone who loves children, and wants to create a business dedicated to taking care of them. One attractive benefit for the stay at home mom is that starting a day care from home enables you to work at home, and take care of your own child at the same time.
Before you do anything, check on any zoning laws and be sure to know the regulations in your area. The regulations that apply to your area will be your guide as to how many children you can have enrolled, and you can write your business plan from there. You would want to take a CPR course, as well as other related courses that would help you know what to do in case of an emergency such as a serious injury or sudden illness. It is important to set your policies and rules, and enforce them. Even if you are babysitting for a friend, you will be well served by having something in writing in place.
The last thing you want to have to deal with is resenting a friendship because there wasn't any type of contract in place, and you end up being taken advantage of. Forms and contracts for day care providers can be downloaded from the Internet. You can certainly edit them and print out your own as needed. Purchasing supplies and running your Child Care Service on a budget will always be your goal, and there are many tips and tricks for accomplishing this. Purchase used and pre-owned items that are in very good condition. These items include furnishings, toys, books, games, videos, DVD movies, children's music tapes and CD's from resale shops, garage sales, thrift stores, classified ads, and even on eBay (good for small items such as books because you'll want to watch the shipping charges).
Buying used toys and videos can save a ton of money (and it's something most of us budget-conscious Moms are already doing!) Buying supplies in bulk from places such as Sam's Warehouse. These would include items such as non-perishable foods (cereal, ), and cleaning and hygiene supplies (bleach, disinfectant spray, dish detergent, toilet paper, hand soap, etc). You'll want to plan age-appropriate activities for the children in your care, and try to schedule a daily routine. This will help you more than anyone, and keep you from losing track of time.

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